Why Ukraine?
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fulfillment at Thursday, June 25, 2009
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General information
The population is fifty millions
- The territorial divisions are 24 regions. State language is Ukrainian, Russian language is widely spoken. Ukraine is a president / parliamentary republic with the authority divided between The President (Head of the executive power), Verkhovna Rada (Legislative power, Parliament) and court system. Political life is characterized by a great number of political parties. The main law is Constitution adopted in 1997.

Ukraine President Dr.Victor Uschenko
Review of History;
First known societies that inhibited the territory of Ukraine, dated 3 century B.C. had developed agricultureTerritory 603,700 sq. km Ukraine is a country of Central-Eastern Europe. It occupies the South-Western part of Eastern-European Plains and a part of the Carpathian and Crimean mountains. It stretches for 893 km from North to the South and for 1316 km from West to East. Ukraine is located in moderate latitudes and has outlets to Black and Azov Seas.
The geopolitical location on the border of Western and Eastern peoples and cultures considerably influenced history and current development of the nation. Ukraine has land and maritime borders. Their total length is 7590 km. Land borders are 5631 km long and include three parts: western, northern and eastern. Sea borders are 1959 km long. Ukraine has land borders with the Russian Federation (2063 km), the Republic of Belarus (975 km), the Republic of Poland (542.5 km), Slovak Republic (98 km), Hungary (135 km), Romania (608 km) and the Republic of Moldova (1194 km). The borders with countries of Central and Western Europe are 2590 km. Nature and climate of Ukraine Ukraine's relief is mostly flat. 95% of lands are plains and 5% are mountains. Ukraine's flat landscape is divided into three zones - mixed forests, forest-steppe and steppe. Ukraine is located in two climatic zones: moderate and subtropical (southern shore of Crimea). Mountainous regions have specific climatic conditions due to vertical division, various inclinations, local atmospheric circulations etc. Generally speaking, Ukraine belongs to the countries with moderate climate, and change of seasons can be clearly observed during the year here. The weather and climate of Ukraine's territory positively influence economic activity, tourism and recreation, as well as allow for use of ecologically clean resources of wind and sun. Bowels of Ukrainian earth are rich with various minerals, including coal, iron ore, oil and gas, gravel, salt etc. Donbass is Ukraine's main coal production base; its deposits are estimated at 109 bln. t. Dnipro lignite basin contains about 6 bln. t of lignite. Oil and natural gas are located in Dnipro-Donetsk (80%) and Black Sea-Crimea regions. Ukraine covers 10-15% of its oil consummation and 25% of gas consummation using its own resources. 3 bln. t of peat and shale oil have been located. Iron ore is found in Krivoy Rig (18.7 bln. t), Kremenchuck (4.5 bln. t), Bilozersky (2.5 bln. t) and Kerch (1.8 bln. t) basins. Nikopol basin contains the biggest deposits of manganese ore in the world. Nickel, chrome, titanium and mercury (2nd place in the world) deposits are also considerable. Recently more than 15 gold deposits were located. Ukraine's deposits of rock products place it among top producers of Europe and the world. It has the biggest ozocerite and brimstone deposits in the world. Its deposits of graphite are biggest in the continent. Rock and potassium salt have been mined in Ukraine for ages. Ukraine's nature created rich basis for metallurgy, chemical, porcelain, faience industries, production of ceramics and construction materials. Deposits of precious and semiprecious stone were found in Ukraine. They include beryl, amethyst, amber, jasper, rock crystal, morion etc.). Ukrainian mineral waters are very valuable. The springs are located in Mirgorod, Svalyava, Truskavets and Feodosia. Mud from towns of Evpatoria and Saki has good healing abilities. The soil of our country is one of its riches. 2/3 of Ukraine's soil are black earth. Experts estimate that Ukraine possesses ? of the world's black earth. Ukraine is a sea power. In the south it is washed by Black and Azov Seas. Black Sea's coastline in Ukraine is 1540 km. The shores of Black Sea have many firths - Dniester, Dnipro, Bug and others. Black Sea is connected to Sea of Azov, Sea of Marmora and Mediterranean. Therefore is has outlet to the world ocean. Southern location, favorable climate, sandy beaches make Black and Azov Seas one of the most important and attractive recreational spots in Ukraine. Ukraine's territory is covered with dense network of large and small rivers. Their total number is 73,000. Ukraine has about 20,000 lakes. The biggest river systems are Dnipro, Danube, Dnistro, Southern Bug and Northern Donets. Dnipro (Dnepr) is the largest river in Ukraine. It is also third largest and longest river in Europe. A cascade of reservoirs (Kyiv, Kaniv, Kremenchuck, Dniprodzerzhinsk and Kakhovka) has been built on the river, thus increasing the efficiency of use of Dnipro's hydro energy recourses. Ukrainian flora includes about 30,000 plants. Natural vegetative complexes are widely used as a basis for cattle-breeding, beekeeping, hunting and collection of wild medicinal herbs. Due to economic activity, flora of Ukraine underwent through considerable changes. A network of natural reserve fund establishments has been created to preserve and rehabilitate it. Variety of Ukraine's natural conditions led to variety of species of animal world. About 44,800 animal species are found in Ukraine. Territory The territory of Ukrainian State is 603,700 km2, or 5.7% of European territory and 0.44% of world's territory. Its territory is bigger than those of France (544,000 km2), Spain (505,000 km2), Sweden (450,000 km2), Germany (356,000 km2) and Poland (312,000 km2). Due to its advantageous location in the center of Europe and wide network of air, railroad, sea and automobile transport, Ukraine is a transit country for passengers and cargo from many countries. Administrative and territorial system Ukraine is comprised from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 oblasts: Vinnitsa, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhitomir, Zakarpattya, Zaporizhzhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Lugansk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnitsky, Cherkasy, Chernigiv, Chernivtsy. The cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol have a special status set by the laws of Ukraine. Ukraine has 490 rayons (regions), 446 cities, 907 towns and 10,196 villages. Ukrainian territorial system is based on unity and integrity of national territory, combination of centralization and decentralization of state power, balance of social and economic development of regions taking into account their historical, economic, geographic and demographic features as well as ethnic and cultural traditions. Population Ukraine has 49.5 mln. residents (as of beginning of 2001). In terms of population, Ukraine ranks 5th in Europe (after Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France) and 21st in the world. It has 7.3% of Europe's and 1% of global population. The majority of people (68%) live in urban areas. 32% live in countryside. Average population density in Ukraine is 85 persons per square kilometer. This number is smaller than in many European countries. Ukraine's regions have different population density. Donetsk oblast is the most populated - 196 persons per square kilometer, Chernigiv oblast is the least populated - 42.3 persons per square kilometer. The country has inadequate demographic situation. The population growth is negative. The reasons of this are ecologic crisis due to wrong use of industry, radiation contamination and economic difficulties. Average life expectancy is 61.6 years for male and 72.8 years for female. A process of nation ageing can be observed. Pensioners comprise 28-35% of total population. In those terms, Ukraine ranks 52nd in the world. For many years, gender structure remains stable - 46% are men, 54% are women. Ethnic Ukrainians comprise 73% of population. 1989 census showed that 37,420,000 Ukrainians and 4,830,000 people of Ukrainian origin lived in Ukraine. Many ethnic Ukrainians live outside Ukraine: 10,936,000 in Russia, 2,230,000 in the USA, 1,386,000 in Kazakhstan, 1,311,000 in Belarus, 1,071,000 in Canada and 850,000 in Poland. Ukrainians are one of biggest nations of Europe and the world and the second largest nation among Slavic subgroup. For a long time, Ukrainian territory was divided among neighboring states. Each of them conducted policy of de-nationalization of Ukrainians, striving to fully assimilate them. Restoration of independence in 1991 facilitates consolidation of Ukrainians, development of their national self-consciousness and gathering everyone feeling his/her belonging to the Ukrainian nation around the Ukrainian state. More than 14,000,000 people of other ethnic groups live in Ukraine, comprising 27% of nation's population. The biggest national minority are Russians (11,400,000 people, 21% of population). For ages, Crimean Tatars, Jews, Romanians, Moldavians, Belarussians, Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks, Armenians, Gypsies, Germans, Azerbaijani, Gagaus, Uzbeks, Lithuanians, Kazakhs, Czechs, Slovaks and people of other ethnic groups have been living in Ukraine. Article 11 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees development of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious originality of all indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities. General foundations of political system General foundations of political system of Ukraine are defined by its Constitution. In accordance with its organic law, Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and jural state. Democratic essence of the Ukrainian state is enshrined by the constitutional provisions concerning its form of government - a republic, governed by sovereignty of the people. State power is divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches, acting within their competence. Constitution envisages the principle of political, economic and ideological diversity of social life. The social character of Ukrainian state results in constitutional regulation of issues related to use of property and protection of all subjects of property right, social orientation of the economy, equality of all subjects of property right before the law, maintenance of ecologic safety and balance within Ukraine's territory and other socially important measures. Jural essence of the state is supported by provisions related to supremacy of law and direct action of constitutional norms. The state is responsible before the people for its activities. According to the Constitution, the main task of the state is to establish and promote human rights and freedoms. Ukraine is a unitary state, which territory is integral and inviolable. The state has a single citizenship. The state language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. State power institutions in Ukraine The President of Ukraine The Constitution of Ukraine designates the President as the Head of State, acting on its behalf. The President is a guarantor of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, adherence to the Constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms. The President is elected by the citizens of the state on the basis of equal and direct universal suffrage through secret vote. The term of presidential office is five years. Only a citizen of Ukraine, who was residing in Ukraine for ten years before the elections, has voting rights and speaks state language, may be elected President. President may hold his/her post no longer than two consecutive terms. The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine The only legislative body of Ukraine is the Parliament - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. People's deputies of Ukraine are elected by the citizens of Ukraine on the basis of equal and direct universal suffrage through secret vote. The election system is mixed - majority and proportional. Altogether 450 deputies are elected. 225 of them are elected at single-mandate constituencies on the basis of relative majority, and another 225 are elected proportionally at multi-mandate national constituency from the lists of candidates coming from political parties and their election blocks. The powers of people's deputies of Ukraine are established by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. People's deputies of Ukraine may voluntarily unite themselves into deputies' groups (factions) of no less then 25 members. Deputies' groups are formed both at party and non-party basis. Deputies' groups formed at party basis are called 'factions'. Non-party deputies may join a faction if they support the program of relevant party. Deputies' groups formed at non-party basis unite deputies who share the same or similar views of national, social and economic development. The Government of Ukraine The Cabinet of Ministers (Government) of Ukraine is the supreme executive authority. Its actions are based on the Constitution, laws of Ukraine and presidential orders. The Government is responsible to the President and is controlled by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, to which it also must report. In practice, this dependency results in presidential appointment of a Prime Minister (with parliamentary consent). The President may also suspend Prime Minister's authorities and discharge him/her. Upon Prime Minister's submission, the President appoints and discharges the members of Cabinet of Ministers and other heads of central executive authorities. Parliamentary control of the Government and its reporting to the Verkhovna Rada results is parliamentary approval of government-submitted annual budget, parliamentary resolutions on fulfillment of budgetary provisions, approval or rejection of governmental program and control of government's work. The system of judicial authority Legal proceedings are carried out by the Constitutional Court and courts of general jurisdiction. The supreme authority of the system of courts of general jurisdiction is the Supreme Court of Ukraine. Legal proceedings may be carried out only by courts. Courts' jurisdiction covers all legal relationships in the state. The system of courts of general jurisdiction is based on the principles of territorial and special jurisdiction. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is a separate entity, independent from the courts of general jurisdiction. It cannot be used as a cassation, appeal or supervisory authority for the courts of general jurisdiction. The activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine promote constitutional control in all spheres, stabilization and strengthening of constitutional order, establishment of principle of primacy of law and the supreme legal force of the Constitution, promotion of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. Economy Ukraine has well-developed scientific and industrial base. The national economy includes such spheres as heavy machine building, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, shipbuilding, automotive industry (buses, cars and trucks), manufacturing of tractors and other agriculture machinery, diesel locomotive manufacturing, manufacturing of machine-tools, turbines and aircraft engines, production of power plants', oil extraction and chemical equipment and so on. Ukraine is also a powerful manufacturer of energy. Several fields of Ukrainian economy demonstrate high technological level of development. The country is producing carrier rockets, satellites and space research equipment. Ukraine is a considerable producer of military equipment, including tanks, military transport aircrafts, SAM complexes and optical equipment. Antonov aircraft, lighter-aboard ships, walking excavators, precise machinery, and electric welding equipment are produced using state-of-art technologies and comply with the top world standards. Ukraine's foreign trade turnover amounted to US$ 33,400,000,000 in 2000 and grew by 19% as compared to 1999. The export volumes grew by 19% and amounted to US$ 18,100,000,000, while imports ggrew by 18.6% and amounted to US$ 15,300,000,000. Foreign trade balance is positive and amounts to US$ 2,800,000,000. Ukraine conducts foreign trade with 189 countries of the world.
Ukraine is linked with most major European cities. Most international flights go to Ukraine. International trains enter Ukraine from several countries. Sail by ship is also available between various cities in the black sea and Mediterranean. All official land border crossings into Ukraine are unrestricted, if you have a visa ahead of time.
Getting between major Ukrainian cities is best done by train and also by flight. They are frequent, cheap and often convenient journey. There are bus services to most cities and towns. Taxi services are numerous in Ukraine. Fines are imposed if traffic police smell alcohol in a driver's breath. Driving Speed limits are 40 kph in built-up areas, 90 kph in countryside and 110kph on the motorways. For foreigners an international driving license is required to drive automobiles in Ukraine.
Hryvnya (UAH) = 100 Kopiyok (singular-kopiyka). Notes are in denominations of 100, 50, 10, 5, 2, and 1 hryvnya. Coins are in denominations of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, 1 kopiyok. Foreign currencies should only be changed at currency exchanges on the streets or in banks. Credit cards are not readily accepted, only restaurants and hotels will accept them.